b'TE cat. t. GG eessuti p TE cat. t. II eessuti pTE ca TT ssuti per cuser cuscini imbcini imbottiti sottiti seedutaduta, , TE ca TT ssuti per cuser cuscini imbcini imbottiti sottiti seedutaduta, ,schienale schienaleschienale, br, braacccioli.cioli. schienale, br, braacccioli.cioli.FFabric or upholsterereed sd seaeat cushions t cushionsFFabric or upholsterereed sd seaeat cushionst cushionsabrics fs for upholst abrics fs for upholstba ba .backrckreestst, armr, armreeststss. .backrckreestst, armr, armreeststss.re irisrevvivivaa iris610610 601601 711711 605605 603603 601601707606 304304 711711 707303 707606La cLa colleollezione di tzione di tessuti Ressuti Revivevivararealizzealizzata cata con un filaon un filato di pto di polieoliesterste intere interamenteramente eLa cLa colleollezione di tzione di tessuti Irisressuti Irisrealizzealizzata cata con un filaon un filato di pto di polieoliesterste intere interamenteramente e ricicla oricicla o riciclato e ultto e ulteriormenteriormente riciclabilee riciclabile. A. Attrttravaervsero un prso un procoecdimentedimento meo meccanicccanicoriciclato e ultto e ulteriormenteriormente riciclabilee riciclabile. A. Attrttravaervsero un prso un procoecdimentedimento meo meccanicccanico le ble bottiglie di plastica v ole ble bottiglie di plastica v o ottiglie di plastica vengengono trono trasfasformaormate in pte in polimeri e polimeri e poi in filaoi in filato, stoenz, senza la lususoottiglie di plastica vengengono trono trasfasformaormate in pte in polimeri e polimeri e poi in filaoi in filato, stoenz, senza la lususo di sdi sostanzostanze chimichee chimiche. Il pr. Il procoecsseo di prsso di produzione del filaoduzione del filato100% Mto100% Made in Italyade in Italy. . di sdi sostanzostanze chimichee chimiche. Il pr. Il procoecsseo di prsso di produzione del filaoduzione del filato100% Mto100% Made in Italyade in Italy. .The R dThe Iris fabric c d The Reviveviva fabric ca fabric colleollection is maction is made frde from a pom a polyeolyester yster yarn thaarn that is entirt is entirely rely receyclecycledThe Iris fabric colleollection is maction is made frde from a pom a polyeolyester yster yarn thaarn that is entirt is entirely rely receyclecycled and fur eand fur e and further rther receyclablecyclable. Thr. Through a meough a mechanical prchanical procoecssess, pla, plastic bstic bottleottles ars areand further rther receyclablecyclable. Thr. Through a meough a mechanical prchanical procoecssess, pla, plastic bstic bottleottles ars are transf .transf . transformeormed intd into po polymerolymers and then ints and then into yo yarn, without the usarn, without the use of chemicalse of chemicals.transformeormed intd into po polymerolymers and then ints and then into yo yarn, without the usarn, without the use of chemicalse of chemicals. The pr oduction procoecss of the yess of the yarn is 100% Maarn is 100% Made in Ide in Italytaly. . The pr oduction procoecss of the yess of the yarn is 100% Maarn is 100% Made in Ide in Italytaly. .The production pr The production pr304304Comp CompComposizione osizione / C/ Compomposition: 100% rosition: 100% recycleecycled and rd and recyclable Pecyclable PET (pET (polyeolyester yster yarn maarn made bde by py postocstonsumer placonsumer plastic bstic bottleots)tles) Composizioneosizione / C / Compomposition: 100% rosition: 100% recycleecycled and rd and recyclable Pecyclable PET (pET (polyeolyester yster yarn maarn made bde by py postocstonsumer placonsumer plastic bstic bottleots)tles)PesPoe s/ wo / weighteight:: 585 g/:: 585 g/m m PesPoe / Wso / Weighteight: 800 g/: 800 g/m mProPvreo v/ eT e/ sTtess: tAsb: Arabsriaosni orens riestsaisntcaen cEeN E ISNO IS 1O29 14279-41,72- 1: ,520 : 5.000.00 ru0b rsu;b Psi;l lPiniglli nEgN E ISNO IS 1O29 14259-425:2-20:20020: 42; :C 4o; Clooulro fuars ftansetsnse tsosltigo hlitg IhStO IS 1O05 10-B50-B20: 72; :C 7o; Clooulro fuars ftansetsnse tsosrtuob rbuibnbgi ngProPvreo v/ eT e/ sTtess: tAsb: Arabsriaosni orens riestsaisntcaen cEeN E ISNO IS 1O29 14279-41,72- 1: ,520 : 5.000.00 ru0b rsu;b Psi;l lPiniglli nEgN E ISNO IS 1O29 14295-425:2-20:20020: 42; :C 4o; Clooulro fuars ftansetsnse tsosltigo hlitg IhStO IS 1O05 10-B50-B20: 72; :C 7o; Clooulro fuars ftansetsnse tsosrtuob rbuibnbgi ng ISOIS 1O05 10-X51-2X:2120:0201: 041-:5 4 d-5ry d ry 4w 4e wt; eFtir; eF irrees riestsaisntcaen:c Cel:a Cslsaes s1IeM 1 IUMN UI 9N1I7 951;7 E5N; E 1N02 110-21+1-21+; B2S; B 5S8 528:5220:02060 c6ig cairgeatrtet +te fl +a mflaem; CeA; C TAB T 11B7 -12170-2130; 1M31;MFr1a Fnrcainac (iNa F(N PF9 2P)9; 2R)e; sRiestsaisntcaen ceISOIS 1O05 10-X51-2X:2120:2001: 041-:5 4 d-5ry d ry 4w 4e wt; eFtir; eF irrees riestsaisntcaen:c Cel:a Cslsaes s1IeM 1 IUMN UI 9N1I7 951;7 E5N; E 1N02 101-12+1-21+; B2S; B 5S8 528:5220:20060 c6ig cairgeatrte t+te fl +a mflaem; CeA; C TAB T 11B7 -12170-1230; 1M3;1MFr1a Fnrcainac (iNa F(N PF9 P2)9; 2R)e; sRiestsaisntcaen ce to stoea smea smlip spliapgpea gEeN E ISNO IS 1O39 1369-326: -42 m: 4m m wma wrpa -r p4-m 4m m wme wfteft to stoe asmea smlip spliapgpea gEeN E ISNO IS 1O39 1369-326: -42 m: 4m m wma wrpa -r p4-m 4m m wme wfteftNotNote / Note / Notes: indoes: indoor&orout&outdoor (no wadoor (no water rter repellent)epellent) NotNote / Note / Notes: indoes: indoor&orout&outdoor (no wadoor (no water rter repellent)epellent)4242 4343'